Dinsdag 21 maart 2023, 18h00 at Herdenkingsplein MaIA Maastricht
Peter William Holden
1970 Burnley, Uk
Since 1997 Leipzig, Germany
AutoGene, 2005 | [Materials] Umbrellas, Steel, Industrial Computer, Compressed Air Components, Mp3 Player. Dimensions: ❬4.5m x 4.5m x 0.8m❭ Photographer: Olivier Calicis | 2016 @ kikk Festival, Namur, Belgium.It's hard to see a photograph physically fading, erasing itself with the bombardment of light but hold no doubts it is subtly becoming elusive like all we hold dear. I often find myself contemplating the fragility of the moment. I believe this clarifies why the ephemeral nature kinetic sculpture and film first allured me. The way beauty can lie within a physical movement and the duality, that very movement begets destruction!
So, with its flaws, it seems an appropriate place for my ideas, emotions, and hopes. Somewhere vulnerable where I can distill them and extract their essences like perfume. In doing so, I've focused on ways to blur the boundaries between cinematography and sculpture. Working with both computational devices with mechanical elements, I create kinetic sculptures and video installations, but divergent from a traditional sculptor/filmmaker, I consider these installations solely a medium! Only a necessary first step in a process to achieve what I believe is the true-focal point of my work. The transitory animations, choreographies, and sounds produced by these installations.
peter-william-holden.comAutoGene, 2005
Vicious Circle, 2012 [Materials] Composite plastic, Steel, Computer, Compressed Air Components, Mp3 Player. | Dimensions: ❬5m x 4m x 1.5m❭ | Photographer: Medial Mirage / Matthias Möller | Artist Studio, Leipzig, Germany.